This is Hiroyuki UENISHI's private website. MovableType and their plugins are the main contents.
This is a search toolbar plugin for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and so on, which can search for MTML template tags, MovableType global modifiers and configuration directives.
This plugin can supply an event handler that fires when scroll-bar comes close to the end of objects. A good example is twitter's timeline. Try out to scroll the timeline below with paying your attentions to scroll-bar, you will see that the continuous timelines are added automatically when scroll-bar comes colse to the end of page.
This MovableType plugin supplies a container tag of template which switches whether the specified value is contained in the array or hash variable. Now, you can describe the same logic with using the standard template tags, but its performance may not be desirable.
This jQuery plugin emulates iPod's click wheel contorller. Anyway see the demonstration. I have coded this as a plugin for jQuery, bring your image of click wheel and you will be able to integrate this function to your website easily.
When you write an article with responce to one's tweet on twitter, Twittbacker enables you to send a trackback. An twitter user can know the reactions of his tweets in the blogosphere. Twittbacker will enforce the social communications and everyone use it with no fee. Please try it.